Thursday, September 28, 2006
Items for Sale
1987 Honda Shadow 700cc
Great running first bike for someone. The bike has less than 17,000 miles, new tune up, new oil and filter change, new battery, new owners/repair manual and new bike cover. Only $2100.00.
New Bell Helmet
Size XL. Never worn. Originally sells for $159.95. Now only $90.00.
Kuryakyn Foot Boards
With heel and toe shifter for GL1800 Goldwing. Like new for only $295.00.
GL1800 Windshield
Windshield has hole for vent. Used, $50.00.
Buyer must pick up or be willing to pay for shipping costs for each item. Photos are available upon request. Call 336-454-5936 or 336-686-4514 for more information.
Until next time and happy riding!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Watch Those Slick Spots in the Dark
For all your motorcycle riders (new and veterans) be careful out there. Motorcycles don’t care too much for gravel, sand and oil.
Until next time and happy riding!
Monday, September 25, 2006
2006 Wings over the Smokies Trip
So we got suited up, wiped down the bike and headed toward Fletcher. Not long after we started the rain started to end and it actually got a little warmer. We got to Fletcher around noon and looked for our hotel. We checked in and then headed toward the rally to register and find our other Goldwing chapter members.
After we registered we hooked up with Craig, Melinda, Bryan, Donna, Johnny and Anthony. I was told when I first got with our chapter to watch out for my buddy Craig. I was told he would have me buying all kinds of stuff at the rally. And he did. We got there and he took us out shopping for goodies. To be honest, I had planned to buy only some shark fins and a name plate at the rally. But that didn’t happen. Before I knew it, I had a new chrome luggage rack (with bag), new pegs and break peg, shirts, pins and other things I had not planned to buy. But I have to admit, thanks to Craig, I did get some great deals. The man knew so many people at the rally, it was scary. Below is a photo of Craig, Bryan and me. My son calls us the 3 Stooges!
Friday night was really interesting and real adventure. Most of the members of our group did not want to ride our bikes back to the rally from our hotel. So we all decided to take Bryan and Donna’s van back to the rally site from the hotel. We all wanted to go back and listen to the live entertainment (The Embers). The memorable part of the van ride was that we crammed 10 people inside the mini-van. Now that was tricky and painful. We had so many people in the van that it looked like we were a bunch of illegal’s trying to cross the border and we were afraid the border patrol would spot us. I was just thankful we didn’t have a crash because some of us would not have survived the crash. At least if we did have a crash, I would probably have not felt any pain because I was numb from the waist down. Did I mention we had to ride back to the hotel too?
As for the Embers, if you get a chance to see them, I recommend you do. They were great and from Raleigh NC. We all had a great time Friday. Below are some pictures of the bikes we saw:
Saturday morning came and Slick and I headed out for breakfast at our favorite breakfast joint, Denny’s. We love those waffles! We filled up Big Red and headed back to the rally to do some more shopping. We bought more stuff. At 9 am, we worked (if that is what you want to call it) at the games table until 10 am. After a hard hour at work, Slick and I went for a walk and started looking at the bikes that would be entering the bike show. There were some really nice bikes there. Then after we left the bike contest parking lot we started walking around and looked at the other displays. It was amazing to us to see what people can do with motorcycles. There was everything you could imagine there at the rally for motorcycles and the deals were pretty nice too.
Around 2:30 pm, Slick and I headed back to the hotel so we could get ready for the night events and the closing ceremony. Saturday was also the day there was going to be some large drawings for money given away. Two of the drawings, Slick and I entered. One of the drawings was at 3 pm. Of course we didn’t win anything for that drawing, but we did at the later big drawing. What happened was that 11 members of our chapter put in $10.00 a piece to win the large 50/50 drawing. Well, we won it. They actually drew Slicks number and we won $1068.00. That was close to $100.00 a piece. We contributed the win to that goofy chicken Ro Ho. It wins all the time. Now all the members of our group are scrambling to get Ro Ho back so they can win. Now that is pretty funny. After the drawing and closing ceremony we headed back to the hotel for a pizza party and some fellowship. It was fun.
On Sunday we all prepared for our trip back. We were a little concerned about rain due to some powerful storms that were coming through the area. It rained like crazy Saturday night and all the bikes got wet. Luckily, I took the time to cover my bike up and my bike was not soaked. After getting packed we all discussed the routes back we were going to take back home. Our 4 person group just took and a straight shot back on interstate 40 and highway 64. Get this, we had no rain. Now that was luck and the ride was a great one.
All in the entire trip was great. We had a great time and a lot of laughs. We are looking forward to next year.
Until next time and happy riding!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Great Trip Today!
Until next time and happy riding!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Kurayakn Footboards for Sale

If anyone is needing or every wanted to own some great footboards with a heel and toe shifter here is a great deal on one. I am selling my Küryakyn footboards. The footboards normally sell for $350.00. I will take $300.00 for them. Just let me know if you or anyone is interested. I expect them to go fast.
Until next time and happy riding!
Ro Ho Photo

I figured that everyone would like to see good old Ro Ho. It is the luckiest rubber chicken you can have. Ro Ho was responsible for us winning $51.00 during the 50/50 ticket drawing at our monthly chapter meeting. That is one ugly but one really lucky bird. The above picture is good old Ro Ho with Slick (it's proud new owner).
Until next time and happy riding!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Cripple Creek Mystery Ride
It was my first ride at night on a long trip. I was not too thrilled about traveling at night. To me there are way too many distractions to really enjoy the ride. I would much rather ride during the day. Of course, I will have to travel at night, but I plan to keep that to a minimum.
Until next time and happy riding!
Friday, September 08, 2006
NC Chapter G Group Photo

Until next time and happy riding!
Slick Got Ro-Ho!
Tonight Craig and I are going to put on my new windshield, chrome light trimmings and handle bar risers. Then we are going to have a mystery dinner ride with Craig and his wife and meet others for the ride in High Point. Right now, we have no idea how many people will show up for the ride or where we will be going. It should be fun though.
Until next time and happy riding!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Shadow, Trips and Future Goodies
Tonight Slick and I plan on going to our monthly Goldwing chapter meeting in Archdale NC. It should be fun. We will be discussing the upcoming Wings over the Smokies trip. Also, Craig and I are going to get together Friday night to put on my saddle bags and trunk lighting chrome trimmings on Big Red. We will also be replacing the windshield too. It will be nice to have a larger windshield. We are also planning on putting together an adjustment piece for the handle bars. Craig said it would reposition the bars so they would be 1.5” higher and 1.5” back. I got on his bike and it seemed like the adjustment would be more comfortable. So, of course I have to get the stuff.
The only thing I really have left to buy for Big Red is my chrome crawl, chrome wheel cover, chrome trunk rack, saddle bag and trunk lights (chrome, of course), and chrome air vents. Oh yeah, I need a new travel bag for our extended trips since Slick and I will probably not get a trailer anytime soon. I figure I can get all that stuff by this time next year.
Until next time and happy riding!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Shadow and Big Red Updates
The Shadow is now ready for sale. I have already placed some ads in the local classifieds and I will be positioning it in various locations to see if anyone is intested. I figure it will go fast because it is an excellent first bike for anyone. I know it helped me to learn to ride.
Speaking of riding, I got to ride Big Red to work today. It was the first time I have ridden it in about a week due to all the rain in the area. Tomorrow Slick and I plan to ride Big Red to our chapter meeting in Archdale. We are going to ride this weekend since I have to head out of town for a week. I hate that!
Friday, I plan to go to Asheboro to pick up my windshield (it finally came in) and my chrome for my saddle bag and trunk lights. Those will be cool to have to put on before our ride to Ashville in 2 weeks for the "Wings Over the Smokies" event. Craig said it will be a huge event and Slick and I are looking forward to that. We are also looking forward the our chapter's beach trip in October.
Life is good!
Until next time and happy riding!