There was bikes every where. One reason was there was a lot of bikes heading to Washington DC for a memorial ceremony. Many I believe were part of a club called Rolling Thunder. We happened to have seen a piece on the news about them.
After we arrived at Royal Front we decided to relax for a while. We were a little tired after being on the road in the heat for about 7 hours. We were so tired that after we got in our room we couldn't decide if we wanted to eat in town or order out. So I decided to do the next best thing. Walk over to a nice place for some fine dining called McDonald. Many you have heard fo them. Only the best for my wife, I have to say.
The next day we got up around 7:00 am and started packing for the trip through the Shenandoah National Park. We were really looking forward to that. Both of us had not been there before but we had heard a lot of good things about the park. The weather was nice and cool but we noticed that taking pictures might not be that great due to the morning haze. We took some pictures anyway and they did turn out pretty nice. See them below:
After the SNP we hit the BRP. It was nice but we both said we actually liked the SNP best because of the lite traffic and all the overlooks. The SNP had overlooks every where and many of the parking areas were large enough to handle several vehicles. We rode the BRP for about 50 miles and then realized we needed to find some gas. So we took a road off the parkway to look for gas. I don't remember the name of the road but Slick and I will not forget it, but the road was very narrow and the curves were very tight. Slick wasn't too thrilled with that road. I thought it was pretty fun. Evenually we found some gas near interstate 81. We talked about going back on the parkway but decided not to due to it getting late in the day. So we headed back home on interstate 81. By that time it was pretty toasty and we were pretty hungry. We decided to head to the house.
All in all the trip was just what we expected. We had great weather and spent some great quality time together. We also put on over 750 miles on the bike and road for a total of 17 hours. Today we plan to rest and I need to give Big Red a bath.
Below are a few more picturs of the trip. Enjoy!
Until next time and enjoy the ride!