Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Motorcycle Slide Show
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Sky Cove Dropped My Bike Tour
As we left home on Saturday morning the weather was great. The whole 5 hr trip to the mountains was great. There was little traffic on I-40 and I-74. We found our way to Bryson City. We checked in to the rental office for the cabin. We got our map and directions and off we went to the cabin where the real fun started. (Fun is not the correct word)
I followed Slick because she had the directions to the cabin. As we got to the base of the mountain, we then entered Sky Cove (that should tell you how high the cabin was). I followed Slick for about 2 minutes up the mountain. The road was a one lane road. The road was paved and did have a little gravel and some pot holes. The fun part started when I approached my first hair pen turn to the right (a steep up hill turn). I didn't swing out far enough or give the bike enough gas, so it fell over (drop #1). After picking up Big Red, I ventured on. It was a steep but no problems until I got to my drive way. The drive way was a long a gravel road. I had to make a hard right up hill on gravel. Not a good combination for me. I hate right turns up a steep hill, especially on gravel. So I dropped the bike again (drop #2).
After that drop and having to pick up the bike on a 45% hill. I decide to take the bike up further up the mountain so I could turn it around and enter the driveway in a straight direction. As I continued up the hill to turn it around, you guessed it, I dropped it again (drop #3). After picking up the bike for the 3rd time I was getting a little tuckered out. I finally got the bike to the driveway and parked it at the end of the driveway. Prior to getting the bike settled on the gravel driveway, I put the kickstand down. It sank in the driveway, so of course it fell over again (drop #4).
All-in-all, I dropped the bike 4 times on the trip (so far). I still have to go down the hill on Saturday. It is kind of funny. I have dropped the bike more times on this trip that I have dropped it the whole time I have had it. Oh well, I will drop it again, I'm sure. Many bikers drop their bikes but are too macho to attempt it.
Even though I did drop the bike we have had fun on the trip so far. We have taken a nice train ride through the Smokey Mountains on the Smokey Mountain Railroad, visited Fontana Dam and Fontana Village, and rode on highway 28 toward TN (very nice bike road). We plan to ride back to Fontana Village next year. From the village you have some really nice roads to ride and you are less than an hour from the "Tail of the Dragon". Highway 28 in very curvy and in great condition.
We have 3 more days before I attempt the trip down the mountain on Big Red. It should be a little easier for me to go down the mountain rather than going up the 45% grade hill. I did learn a valuable lesson from this trip. Always personally checkout the location of your lodging if you plan to take your bike on a trip high into the mountains. Also, take a look around at the bikes that are already on the mountain. There was NONE! That should have been my first hint, I was screwing up. Below is a link to some photos of you road at Sky Cove.
Sky Cove Road
I am really glad we did not stick to our original plan of only riding the bike and pulling the trailer. That would have been a real disaster.
Until next time and remember, don't be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Nice Sunday Morning Ride
I took off at 8 am headed toward Lexington NC from Jamestown. Even though business 85 is a four lane highway there is normally very little traffic. So was the case this morning. I decided to head toward Lexington and I am glad I did. The town was dead. It gave me an opportunity to take the ride through town slow and really enjoy it. I have been through the town on a couple of occasions. I enjoy Lexington. It has the old southern town feel. If you decide to ride through Lexington take the time to stop and snap some photos of all the ceramic pigs on the streets. The town is famous of it's BBQ.
After leaving Lexington I headed south on NC 8. That took me toward High Rock Lake. There wasn't much to see of the lake from the main road. I did pass over bridge at the lake. It looked like a great place. I did notice that there were some camping grounds there. Jordan, Kevin and I have been talking about camping one weekend before it got too cold. That camp grounds is an option.
After leaving High Rock Lake I headed further south until I got to NC 49. There I took a left and then headed toward highway 109. The southern part of NC 8 and north on 1o9 is my type of road. There a many long stretches of road and not much traffic. You will see a lot of bikers on 109. I have actually traveled a lot of 109. One day I took the road all the way to South Carolina. Of course, I didn't plan to go that far, but I ended up there because I wanted to see where it went. Slick wasn't too thrilled about me going that far. Luckily my phone worked so I could call her and let her know I was okay.
After traveling north on 109, I headed into Thomasville NC. Again, it was a great time to go through the town; no traffic. Once I was through Thomasville, I hit business 85 and headed home.
There route was a little over 100 miles and only took about 2.5 hrs. It was a great morning to ride and seeing the small towns and country roads made my day. The only thing missing was Slick. She wasn't physically with me, but she was still there.
Until next time and remember to not be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Weekend Ride to Lake Lure
Slick and I took off from Jamestown around 11 am and heading west on I-40. We meet Kevin and Carolyn off of exit 113 near Hickory NC. We fueled up and started talking about where we wanted to ride. Kevin suggested Lake Lure. Slick and I that was a great idea. We both really enjoy that lake and have been there a couple of times.
After fueling up, we headed west on I-40 and to the Black Mountain exit. Kevin was in the lead and he took us on some really nice back roads. The roads were filled with a lot of nice tight curves. The traffic was really lite since we were traveling on a Friday. Basically we had the roads to ourselves; nice!
Once we arrive at Lake Lure we started looking for a nice place to eat. I suggested a little place right across from the Lake Lure Hotel and beach area. The food was really good. I had eaten there before but only on the side where all the bikers and beer drinkers ate. This time we ate in the main area and the food was really good. All of us enjoyed our meals. If you decide to visit there, you will enjoy it.
After lunch we decided we all wanted to take the boat tour ride on Lake Lure. Slick and I tried taking the tour last year but the weather didn't cooperate. This time the weather was awesome. So we all boarded the boat and got to hear a lot of great history about the lake. The tour guide as entertaining and told everyone of how the lake was formed and about the some of the residents there. We got to see homes on the lake that were worth over 1.5 million dollars. He even showed us the place were "Dirty Dancing" was filmed and how Patrick Swayze was kicked out of the hotel for partying too much during the filming of the movie. He also told us that the movie was filmed in November and the cast froze their butts off filming the scenes in the water. I was able to get a very photos during the boat tour. The photos were taken with my cell phone. Since the Lake Lure trip as a last minute thing, I didn't bring my good camera.
After leaving Lake Lure we headed back the same route. I wanted to enjoy the curvy roads again. I think even Slick liked them. She only squealed twice. Once back on I-40 we headed to Kevin and Carolyn's home. They invited us to spend the night with them, so we took them up on it.
On Saturday, Slick and I prepared to head home. Carolyn had suggested that we take a ride to a winery about an hours ride from their home. So we took off on the ride following Kevin and Carolyn. I am glad they were in the lead because they took on some very nice back roads to the winery. It was some of the best and most relaxing back roads Slick and I had every been on. Even though, we failed to check the time the winery opened (they were closed), we really enjoyed that ride. The roads consisted of a lot of open farm lands, curves and everything a biker would enjoy on that hour long trip. The roads were so nice, it would have been a great place to get lost and try to find our way out.
Once we left the winery were headed back toward I-40. We all said good-bye and headed back home. The 2 day trip put on about 250 miles on Big Red and it was great. We are looking forward to our next ride.
Until next time remember, don't be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Sunday, August 02, 2009
Mt Airy and Blue Ridge Parkway Ride
We got on the road around 11:30. By that time it was getting a little toasty and the temperature was suppose to get near 90. It wasn't too bad if we were moving on the bike and it turned out to be nice. We headed toward Winston Salem to highway 52 north and the VA state line. By the time we got there the weather as improving. Not long after we entered VA we headed west on highway 58 west toward Fairy Stone State Park. The bad thing was the park was not on highway 58 west. It turned out it was on some off road and of course we rode right by it. We just said, "Oh well, we have gas, keep riding".
As we headed west we did see a nice lookout called "Lovers Leap". So he had to stop and get a photo or two. I had been there before. I had rode highway 58 west as my first solo ride about 3 years ago. The overlook view was nice and a popular stopping point for those heading toward the Blue Ridge Parkway.
After leaving Lovers Leap, we headed west to the Blue Ridge Parkway. We noticed a small park off the road and decided to check it out. It turned out to have a nice view of the mountains and some picnic spots. We stopped to take a view photos there. While there, we notice a grave site. It was kind of strange to have a grave site at the park. We noticed that a USAF veteran was buried there. He must have loved the mountains to have asked to have been buried there. You could tell from the site that he was not forget by the flag at his grave site that someone placed there.
After a few photos and quick break we headed to the Blue Ridge Parkway. As usual, the parkway was a nice relaxing ride. Slick and I had been on that part of the parkway before, but it never gets old riding that parkway. We look the rolling hills, farm lands and very lite traffic on the parkway.
After exiting the parkway, we headed to highway 52 south and headed toward Mt Airy. We decided to look for some lunch. We decided to eat a place that wasn't a chain and so we decided to pick the Wagon Wheel Restaurant. It was old restaurant that had been there for many years. Actually the waiters had been working there 27 years. It was an old place but the popcorn shrimp, hush puppies and tea was awesome! After lunch Slick wanted to take a tour of downtown Mt Airy. That took about 3 minutes. It would have been shorted but we had to stop at a couple of stop lights.
Once our bellies were full we headed south toward home. By this time was had been gone about 5 hours. We finally made it home in about 6 hours. Overall, the ride was great. Slick stated it was one of the most relaxing and fun rides she had had in a long time. I had to agree.
If you would like to see photos of our trip just click on the link below and remember, don't be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Mt Airy and Blue Ridge Parkway Ride
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Now on Facebook
Some Nice Vacation Photos
West Photos
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
USAF Tribute
I know it is not motorcycle related, but hey, it's my blog, right?
USAF Tribute Video
Harley for Sale (Police Bike)
Bike Details
Until next time and remember to not be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Monday, July 20, 2009
VA State BBQ Championship in Galax Ride
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Great Time Riding This Weekend
Friday, Jordan and I took off for Hanging Rock State Park. We headed up highway 52 North toward Mt Airy. For those of you that are not familiar with Mt. Airy, it is the town that Andy Griffin grew up in and the fictional town of Mayberry was born. Actually, if you are an old timer like me and grew up watching Andy Griffin, you will know the story. If you decide to travel there, you can actually visit a lot of things there in regards to Mayberry. Visit Slappy's grill. Andy Griffin ate there as a kid and they are famous for the pork chop sandwich. Right next to Slappy's is Floyd's Barber Shop. If I had hair, I would have gotten my hair cut there. Another thing about Mt Airy is that they have a Mayberry Days festival every year. If you liked the show you need to visit. Sometimes some of the fictional characters that are still living show up there.
Anyway, back to our ride. Jordan and I took off toward Mt Airy. Once we got to the Hanging Rock State Park sigh off of highway 52, we hit some really nice country roads with a lot of great curves. It seems like you ride forever. We just made sure we followed all the Hanging Rock State Park signs so we wouldn't get lost. The ride to the park was lengthy but fun.
We arrived at the park and there were bikes everywhere. You can't blame the bikers. The roads and the weather was great. Jordan and I decided to do a little hiking while at the park. What we thought would be a simple 1.9 mile hike took us over 2.5 hrs to complete. The trail took us straight up the mountain. It was a great hike, but is kicked out butts. Even though the hike was tough the view was awesome and well worth the mistake of taking a hike. Below are few pictures you might enjoy.
After hiking back from our "death march', we hit the road and took a different route back toward highway 52. We basically made a huge circle back to the highway. Again, the roads were curvy and long (just my types of roads). Jordan and I stopped at a local Chic-Fil-a and had a nice meal and headed home. We were exhausted. But wait there is more...
On Saturday, Slick and I meet Jordan at his place and mounted up to hit the road to Lenoir NC and meet with Kevin and Carolyn (my brother and sister-in-laws). Kevin is a Harley man and he has been riding for a few months now. He and Carolyn are enjoying the fun of riding too. I am pretty proud of Kevin. He hasn't been riding very long but now rides like a pro.
We meet Kevin and Carolyn and their home. Kevin had a nice long trip all ready planned out for us that included going into TN. We didn't have that much time, so we had to cut the trip a little short. He took us on some great long back roads on 181 North and up to Linville Gorge and into the Blue Ridge Parkway. Jordan had not ridden too much of the parkway but stated he wanted to ride there again. The scenery of the mountains was awesome!
We we got close too Linville Gorge we all got alittle hungry and Kevin came across a nice little place to stopped called "Pappy's BBQ". Of course we had to stop there just because of the name. We went in and Slick had to tell everyone that my nickname was Pappy and she even showed the workers there my Pappy tattoo. I felt like a big celebrity and I was thinking I might get my food for free. Of course, that didn't happen. They also had a "Pappy's hat there. Slick had to buy me a Pappy's hat. (For those of you they don't know me, I collect hats for my "man cave"). It actually will make a great addition to my hat collection.
After the meal we hit the Blue Ridge Parkway. We also rode the Viaduct on the parkway. That gives everyone a great view of the Great Smokey Mtns (every time I ride up there I look forward to retiring there). Slick and I plan to buy us a little home up there. We are looking forward to that. Here are a few pictures from our trip.
Until next time and remember to not be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Monday, June 08, 2009
New Tatto...Slick

Tuesday, May 26, 2009
New Photos...Younce Family 2009
Younce Family Photos 2009
Big Red and VTX Upgrades

Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Honda Fury in Asheboro NC

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Harley For Sale...2002 Wide Glide

- 13,199 MILES
- 1550 KIT
- 251 CAM,
PRICE IS 13,900.00.
Call 469-1179 for more details.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Flip Video Camcorder for Sale

Monday, May 11, 2009
Great Relaxing Weekend Ride
Our plan was to take off and ride for a few hours. The route didn’t matter. We actually set out to take some back roads in the country and see if we could get lost. The back roads were great. There was little traffic and the rolling country side was very relaxing for both of us. We got to see a lot of our plantation type homes and some very nice scenery of all types. There were even a few nice waterfalls along the way.
Our route took us in a big loop and we ended up in Asheboro NC. We stopped for lunch at one of our favorite joint; Cookout. It is becoming a weekend thing for us to go out on Saturday on Big Red to Cookout and try a new shake. Since Cookout has over 40 different flavors it will take a while sample them all, but we will give it a shot.
After the great shakes at Cookout we walked across the parking lot to the Cycle Center. I had to pick up Slick some clear riding glasses for night riding. While I was there I noticed that the Cycle Center had a lot of bikes on the showroom floor. I just had to ask the clerk if they planned to get in one of the Honda Fury’s end soon. He said that they did have a beautiful blue one in last week. The bike was there on Thursday, bought on Friday and taken away on Saturday. I knew there would be a lot of people looking to see the new Fury. The clerk did say that they did plan to get in a new Honda Fury at the end of the month. This one will be red. As most of you know I like red. Hopefully, I can take another trip to the Cycle Center at the end of the month to hopefully get a glimpse of it. After leaving the Cycle Center we headed north on 42 and then north on 109. We then took the fast route back home on interstate 85.
On Sunday, we did the Mother’s Day thing. Jordan and I rode our bikes to meet most of the mom’s in the family. Slick took the car because she didn’t want to have helmet hair when we got to J & S in Hickory NC. Jordan and I didn’t really care how we looked. Besides, we are bikers, right? The weather was great and we ended up riding about 4 hrs. It was nice to see all the mom’s and to ride too.
All-in-all, the weekend was great. We were a little busy, but spending time with the family, the ones you love and enjoying the riding, made the weekend awesome. Best of all, I didn’t think about work, bills or traveling all weekend. I just enjoyed having fun and relaxing with Slick.
Until next time and remember, don’t be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Wednesday, May 06, 2009
Honda's Got a Chopper...The Fury
2010 Honda Fury Chopper
I am looking forward to seeing the actual bike. I would really like to ride it. Here is a nice photo of it:

What do you think of the new chopper?
Now I really want to ride.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Hanging Rock State Park Ride
Slick and I took a few pictures while at the park. There was a nice picnic area there. So we snapped a few pictures there. Below are a couple photos from the trip and the route we took to the park.
If you decide to go on the route we took you will really like it. The route has some nice small town along the route and some country roads to enjoy. Slick really enjoyed the curvy roads on the back roads (not really, curves scare her but she hung in there). So if you like curvy roads you will enjoy that part of the the route too. There are not a lot of roads with the curves, but the ones that do have the curves are awesome.
If you get a chance to go to Hanging Rock State Park, check it out. It is worth the ride. And besides, it gives you a great excuse to ride.
If you want to see the trails at Hanging Rock State Park click on the link below:
Hanging Rock State Parks Trails
Until next time and remember, don't be too busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Are You Twittering Yet?
Until next time and remember, don't be so busy making a living you forget to make a life.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Visiting Mom on Her 68th Birthday
The ride itself was great. It was sunny and I decided to take 64 west off of I40. I love going that way because of the nice country roads and there is very little traffic. There is a lot of rolling hills and small towns along the way. It is a very relaxing ride.
Anyway, once I got to mom's house, I surprised her with her card and gift. She could not believe I rode all that way just to see her. What can I say, she is my mom and I love the little lady. Below is my mom with her new birthday card and of course, cash. For some reason, mom's love cash and Walmart gift cards.

I decided to visit the mall to visit my uncle Jerry and his wife Janice. They are two of the nicest people one could ever meet. They both own a Christian book store and deli. My uncle asked me want I was doing in Lenoir. I told him I was visiting my mom and looking for a nice place to have lunch. I told him I do what I all bikers do; they look for the closest bible book store to grab a bite. Jerry whipped me up a nice burger and we talked for about an hour. I was really nice to see him and Janice.
If you are ever in Lenoir, stop by his store and say hi. Tell him, Pappy sent you. Below is a picture of my uncle Jerry and Janice. They are good people and Jerry does make a nice burger.

All-in-all, it was a great visit to see mom, Jerry and Janice and enjoy the brisk morning air. Let's face it I froze my butt off. But hey, I learned a valuable lesson. Listen to that little voice because he is usually right.
Until next time and remember, never be too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
New Biker is Born
So what is the best remedy for that? Of course, it is to become a biker. Getting Kurwin to take plunge was hard. He was a little too thrifty with his cash. He would never buy and nice starter bike for $4000.00. But, his girl friend would. So she bought him a really nice starter bike. It a nice 600cc Honda Shadow. Below is the picture of my buddy Kurwin on his new ride. Of course, I will need to put the photo is Pappy's Place.

Until next time and remember, never be too busy making a living that you forget to make a life.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Biker Wisdom

If you are a biker or just want to be, here are some great motorcycle cool sayings I thought you might like. Some of them you may have heard before.
- Four wheels move the body. Two wheels move the soul.
- Life may begin at 30, but it doesn't get real interesting until about 70 mph.You start the game of life with a full pot of luck and an empty pot of experience.
- The object is to fill the pot of experience before you empty the pot of luck.
- If you wait, all that happens is that you get older.
- Saddlebags can never hold everything you want, but they CAN hold everything you need.
- The only good view of a thunderstorm is in your rear view mirror.
- Don't ride so late into the night that you sleep through the sunrise.
- Sometimes it takes a whole tank of fuel before you can think straight.
- Never hesitate to ride past the last street light at the edge of town.
- Never do less than forty miles before breakfast.
- One bike on the road is worth two in the garage.
- Young riders pick a destination and go; old riders pick a direction and go.
- Whatever it is, it's better to do it in the wind.
- Two-lane blacktop isn't a highway, it's an attitude.
- People are like motorcycles; each is customized a bit differently.
- The best alarm clock is sunshine on chrome.
- A friend is someone who'll get out of bed at 2 am to drive his pickup to the middle of nowhere to get you when you're broken down.
- Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 70 mph can double your vocabulary.
- If you want to get somewhere before sundown, you can't stop at every tavern.
- There's something ugly about a NEW bike on a trailer.
- Along ride can clear your mind; restore your faith and use up a lot of fuel.
- If you can't get it going with bungee cords, wire and electrician's tape, it's serious.
- Never try to race an old geezer, he may have one more gear than you.
- Bikes parked out front mean good chicken-fried steak inside.
- You can forget what you do for a living when your knees are in the breeze.
- Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out the car window.
- There are two types of people in this world; people who ride motorcycles and people who wish they did.
- Life begins at the end of the off ramp.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Cool Trip Recording Tool...TrailGuru
Basically, the application allows you to track your travels, post the results to your own TrailGuru web page and even post the results to others if you want to share your stats. You and also have your post emailed directly to you. You can even use the iPhone to take photos of your trip along the way, so they can be posted as well.
Of course, you need an iPhone and if you lose your GPS coverage, it will not record the trip. But hey, it works most of the time and if you are like me (a part-time geek), you will enjoy TrailGuru. So check it out and let me know what you think. Who knows, you may see my motorcycle trips posted one day.
Until next time and remember life starts at the end of the off-ramp.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
New Features
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the new look and features. Keep checking back. I will probably add some other stuff.
Until then, remember life starts at the end of the off ramp.
Monday, February 09, 2009
Pilot Mountain State Park Ride
Jordan and Sara showed up at the house around 11 am and the weather was great. The temps were in the upper 50's and were supposed to reach near 70 by the end of day. The sky was clear and we were ready to ride. Slick was packing the bike like we were going camping and I thought I was going to have to take the trailer.
Once on the road, we all headed on the same route I took on Saturday toward Hanging Rock State Park. On highway 52, we thought we were going to run in to rain (of course the weather man didn't mention that). Lucky for us, it did not rain, but it did get kind of cool as a front was coming in as we approached the base of the state park. Once at the park the clouds moved out it started to warm up a little.
Once we entered the park, we headed up the mountain and it was a pretty curvy road. I think the girls got a little worried about the road, but they did fine. They were very quite, but hung in there. I can always tell when Slick is a little nervous, she gets very quite.
As we reached the top of Pilot Mountain State Park we were greeted with a parking lot full of people taking pictures and hiking. I guess everyone had the same idea we had. We did see a few other bikers there enjoying the park. We decided to take a few photos from the top of the mountain. Check them out:
After taking some photos and doing a mini hike, we headed down the mountain. The girls got quite again because of the curves. For them, they were glad the ride down didn't take too long. Once down from the mountain, we headed south on highway 52 toward home and to get some food. You know, food always taste better when you on a ride and when someone else pays (thanks Japper!).
All-in-all, the ride was great and took about 3.5 hours. Now it is time to plan our next ride which will probably be another state park. I figure Lake James State Park sounds good.
Until next time and remember life begins at the end of the off ramp.
Nice Harley for Sale...$15,000

Until next time and remember life begins at the end of the off ramp.