Sunday, December 31, 2006
Our Last Ride for 2006
After the meal we headed north and further up 220. We started looking for highway 57. After taking a left on highway 57 we soon realized that we were heading off into the past. The short stretch of town looked so old and dead. We felt like we were taken back in town 25 years. After heading west on highway 57 we hit the old town of Bassett VA. That is place where they produce Bassett furniture. That town was also very old. Soon we hit the country scenery of highway 57. It was nice and had some nice curvy roads I could enjoy. Slick and I both felt that part of the ride would be nice in the fall because of the open landscapes, hills and trees.
Not too long into the highway 57 trip, we realized that we were getting a little low of fuel and gas stations were few and far between. We did finalize run into a small and old gas station on “Jeb” Stewart Highway. As you can imagine with a highway named “Jeb” we had to be in the sticks. So we stopped for gas and get this, the gas station was full service station. Some old dude came out to turn on the pumps so I could get gas. I think the only reason he came out was to see the bike. He talked about how he thought the bike was really nice.
Next we headed south on highway 8. We finally hit highway 58 east and rode it for about 25 miles until we were back on highway 220. After hitting highway 220 we headed back home. We finally arrived home just before dark. The total trip took about 5.5 hours.
That trip ended our adventures for 2006. In the end, we looked back on what we had accomplished for the year. We bought Big Red and took our bike course in May and bought the Honda Shadow and sold it after I practiced with it for 2 months. I took some mini trips alone and Slick tagged along starting in later July. Slick and I traveled in many parts of NC and VA. We joined the GWRRA and Chapter-G. We went to Wings over the Smokies. All of these things and more in just 6 months of motorcycle riding! Heck, in this month alone we put on over 1000 miles in the month of December.
All-in-all, we had had a great time in 2006 and are looking forward to 2007. I plan to ride Big Red to the beach in June and to Marysville, Ohio for the Honda Homecoming in July.
It has been a fun year and 2007 looks like a great one too.
Until next and enjoy the ride!
Friday, December 29, 2006
How Slick and I Got Started

Now let me clarify that first, we have both been on a motorcycle before (many moons ago), but we had never driven one. So, one day my brother-in-law stopped over and asked if Angie wanted to take a ride with him on his bike. Of course, she wasn’t too thrilled about it at first and after some minor begging by everyone there that day, she got on the bike and they took a short ride down the road. Once she got a taste of a motorcycle ride, she was hooked. So we thought, let’s go look at some bikes. Not really thinking we would ever get one. Of course, we were wrong!
First, I started looking on the Internet at all types of bikes. The problem was I had no idea what I wanted or what was the best bike for us. All Angie said was if we got one I had to get something comfortable and she was looking really hard at the back seats of the Goldwings. So she had a good idea of what she wanted from the start. After looking at all types of bikes we started looking at the prices of bikes and we were shocked. Many of the touring bikes were the prices of a good car and that is without the chrome goodies.
Next, came the day to go out and look at some bikes at the local bike shops. We wanted to get up close and personal with the bikes rather than sit at the computer all day dream about the bikes. We really enjoyed looking at all types of bikes. We just didn’t know what was right for us. Then one day I actually sat on a Goldwing at a Honda shop in Greensboro and I was hooked. I loved the way it felt. Angie did too. So the next step was to find a good one for the right price.
After looking for a couple of weeks, we decided to visit the Honda shop in Statesville NC. There we saw Big Red. At first we didn’t care for the color but after our first visit we decided to go back and look at the bikes again. One our second visit, Big Red was still there. That day, we decided to go for it and buy Big Red. But like many parts of this story, there was a problem. I didn’t know how to ride a motorcycle and of course I had no license. So I had to ask the Honda dealer to tow the bike to my home and park it. There the bike sat for 2 months until I had a chance to take the motorcycle course, get my license and practice. That was kind of embarrassing, but hey, what could I do, right?
Soon May 2006 came and Angie and I signed up for our first steps of riding a motorcycle. We signed up for the motorcycle course for dummies at GTCC. As you can imagine, we were a little nervous. We took the course and we did fairly well. At least we didn’t die or kill anyone. After the course, I got the bright idea to have my brother-in-law come over the house so I could take Big Red out for a test ride. He rode the bike to a local parking lot so I could practice on Big Red. I didn’t have my license then, so I wanted to practice after I completed the motorcycle course. Trying to practice on Big Red with 2 days on a motorcycle was not a really a good idea. I almost dropped the bike 3 times and almost wrecked on one occasion. After displaying my amazing lack of motorcycle skills for my brother-in-law, sister-in-law and Angie, I needed a plan “B”.
Plan “B” came from Angie. She noticed how much trouble I was having with controlling Big Red, so she suggested we buy a smaller bike for me to practice with. It was a great suggestion since I definitely did not have the skills or courage to ride Big Red after the motorcycle course. What we decided to do was buy a small Honda Shadow 700. It was the best thing I could have done. It gave me a great chance to practice for 2 months in the GTCC parking lots and venture out on the local roads in town and on the highways.
Soon the day came when I decided to take Big Red out for the second time in almost 2 months. The day was July 1st. After taking Big Red out and with a little practice with the Honda Shadow, I felt much more comfortable handling the bigger bike. I practiced riding alone with Big Red for about 6 weeks in parking lots and gradually took it on some smaller trips. Not too long after that Angie wanted to try to ride with me. She rode with me for a couple of weeks in the parking lots. The great thing was I really couldn’t tell she was on the bike except on stops. She was great co-rider, and still is.
Since May, it has been an interesting time for us on our motorcycles. We have taken some small trips alone and with our great friends from our GWRRA Chapter-G group. We have covered a lot of miles in the central part of the state, some parts of western NC and been on several visits to VA. We have really enjoyed our motorcycle adventures and look forward to sharing the rest of our middle age years (and old age years) together on our Goldwing. It should be a great time and fun ride.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Roger and Angie (AKA Pappy and Slick)
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Searcy Arkansas Bike Shop Visit
Jordan and I did get a chance to visit the bike shop in Searcy Arkansas. They do have a nice bike shop there. There were a wide variety of bikes there. It seemed that there wasn't as many bikes there as the last time I was there. I imagine there will be more there when the weather gets better around spring time. I was a little disappointed in the clothing selection there. It seems that you can't find a nice bike shop that has some Goldwing clothing. I guess I will have to order clothing off the web. I can do that around spring time when the weather gets better.
There were some nice trikes in Searcy. I counted 6 nice trikes. They also had a couple of new 2007 wings there too. Those looked nice. I really liked the new look of the tail lights on the 2007. They actually look like car tail lights.
Speaking of 2007, it should be a pretty busy time for riding. Not counting the mini rides that Slick and I plan to do, we have the upcoming trip to the beach in June. Most of the people going will be driving down there. Boring!! I plan to ride Big Red. Also, in July, our Goldwing chapter is planning on a ride to Ohio, for the Honda Homecoming. I am really looking forward to that. Right now, we are just waiting on the dates for that trip.
Until next time and enjoy the ride.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Durham NC Ride
Anyway, after we headed north the traffic was a lot lighter. We had a great meal (of course, we ate too much) and then we mounted up and started our route back to the house. By this time it was around 3 pm. We hit highway 86 to Yanceyville. Once we got through Yanceyville we headed west on highway 158. The highway 86 and 158 was really nice. It was pretty much all country roads. We could really tell we were in the country by the great smell of county manure. After we got off 158 we hit highway 29 and headed south toward home.
We left home around 11:30 am and got back home around 5:00 pm. The trip was pretty nice except for the traffic in Durham. I recommend you not ride a bike at Christmas time near a mall. That was a dumb idea on my part. The weather was great. We had a great time and look forward to our next trip. Except then next time we will skip the city driving and head toward the country.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Great Day to Ride
I had to go the Cycle Center in Asheboro for an oil change. That only took about 3o minutes of my time. I began my ride from home and heading toward Lexington. No, not in Kentucky! We actually have one of those in NC too. Once I got off of business 85 I headed east on 64 to Asheboro. After my oil change I continued east on 64 until I got to 421. From there I headed north toward home.
The whole ride took about 3 hours, including the short stop for the oil change. Tomorrow, Slick and I are heading toward Concord NC. Slick found out there was a Mayflower diner there. We were going to go to the one in Durham, but I think the Concord ride will be nicer. After we eat, who knows where we might take off too.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Rubber Gloves Work Wonders
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Chapel Hill NC Trip
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Friday, December 08, 2006
Chapter Meeting for December
Last night at the meeting we also picked up 2 new members to our chapter. It will be nice to have some new faces and new ideas. On December 17th we will be gathering at Vickie and Andrews home to discuss a variety of topics like the riding schedule for next quarter. We will also be discussing some other charities that we may participate in. One other topic is selecting our 2007 Couple of the Year for our chapter. Normally, chapters have a hard time filling the position of Couple of the Year. It is a big commitment that Slick and I definately don't have time to do. However, we are lucky this year because we have 3 couples that have thrown their names into the hat. So at the meeting will be voting on our new couple. Whoever it turns out to be I am sure they will do a great job.
I need to work on an article for our newsletter. In January, they asked if I could put something together to let others know about us. I plan to post the article in the blog too. I will probably work on that today.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Monday, December 04, 2006
Love My Ski Pants!
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Murdock Center Ride to Butner NC
As we head east to Butner NC, were enjoyed the nice crisp morning air. Actually, it was pretty cool. Everyone seemed to have been prepared for the trip and the crisp air (COLD). Once we arrived at Butner, we pulled in to the Murdock community and there we saw dozens of other bikers. Actually, the unofficial count was 61 bikes rode in for the event. Speaking of the event, the GWRRA chapters were all there to drop off presents for the residents of the community and provide a nice Goldwing parade for the residents. Slick and I participated in the parade and the residents seemed to have enjoyed it as much as we did.
After the parade, some of the residents put on a show for us in the school gym. Some sang Christmas songs. It was amazing to see how talented the residents were and how much they enjoyed performing for us. We were also serviced lunch too; which was nice.
After some of the standard ticket drawings were completed, everyone headed out. Slick and I headed back alone. The ride back was pretty nice since the crispness had worn off (it got warmer). All in all we put on a total of 164 miles. We had a great time.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Foggy Ride this Morning
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Ride on 62
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Monday, November 27, 2006
After Work Ride
My goal next month is to ride over 1000 miles for the first time.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday's Ride to VA
After a quick lunch at Mickey D's, we headed west on highway 58 toward highway 29 and back home. By this time we had been gone about 3.5 hours. That part of the trip was mainly all 4 lane highway but it was nice and had very little traffic. We actually saw a yard were someone built a UFO out of tin and placed it in their front yard near the highway. Some people are really out there and have way too much time on their hands.
Once we hit highway 29, we headed back home. We put a total of 225 miles on Big Red that day. It was a nice ride and I actually had very little trouble on Big Red. It is amazing how much you enjoy the trip when you actually improve your riding skills.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Friday, November 24, 2006
Trip to Troy NC
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Rockingham NC Trip...A Nippy One
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Saturday's NC and VA Ride
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Eller Family Fundraiser Update
Our chapter also had a nice yard sell too to raise money for the family too. Many of the chapter members brought a lot of their own goods into sell. All the money went for the Weller family. What amazed me is what people will buy but most of all how cheap they can be. Several of our members had to remind some people the money was for a needy family and it was a fundraiser. Of course, some people wanted stuff for practically free. Sad, just sad… Below is a picture from our yard sale and Slick attempting to sale a couple dozen Krispy Kreme donuts on the highway in front of our yard sale location. By the way, I had 4 and I was told Lennie had about a half dozen. So I don’t feel too guilty.
Later in the day our chapter and some of Craig’s friends had a surprise birthday party for Craig at Captain Tom’s in Staley. The old goat turns 50 on 9 November. We all had a good time and he had a great turn out. You could tell he was loved. Actually, I think most of the people that attended just wanted to make fun of the old goat. Anyway, he deserved a nice party in his honor. He has given a lot to a lot of people, including Slick and I. We are truly grateful for is friendship. Below are a couple of photos from Craig’s birthday party. Make a quick note of Craig’s hat. At first I thought he was the Skipper from Gillian’s Island.
As for riding my bike, I haven’t gotten to ride it in a while. Man, did a lot of us in the chapter want to when we noticed about 20 Harley’s riding by during our yard sale. Half of the day would have been great for a ride. The first half, we would have frozen our butts off.
Slick and I plan to take a trip to VA next Saturday. Most of our trips have been south of home. So we thought a nice ride up highway 29 would be great. I need to get a ride in next week because I have to fly to Detroit the following Monday. As a matter of fact, I am actually writing this blog entry at the airport on my way to West Palm Beach Florida. Going to Florida sounds like a nice trip for the winter, but I would actually rather be home with Slick and riding my bike next week. Oh well, there will be more opportunities to ride in the weeks to come. I am just glad Slick so understanding of the trips I have to take with my job. Most women couldn’t handle all of my travel. She is a strong lady and I am proud to have her for my wife.
I hear them boarding the plane. It’s off to West Palm Beach Florida. I know it is hard, but someone has to do it.
Until next time and enjoy the ride.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Shadow was Sold Today
I also got to take Big Red out for a couple of hours on Sunday. It was an excellent day to ride. I took it about 120 (round trip) miles on highway 220. I rode down to Seagrove, NC. It was a nice little ride and a good way to spend a couple of hours. I look forward to riding more in the up coming months, if I can stay home long enough.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Riding When I Can
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Ro-Ho Stikes Again!
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Upcoming Fundraiser for a Needy Family

I sold 5 tickets today and 2 more tickets for the Victory Junction Fundraiser. Speaking of selling tickets I would like to thank those that have purchased tickets so far. They are:
Gary Engnell
Jo Ann Smith
Tammy Nifong
Without their support, we could not help the family in need. Again thanks.
I will be posting a flyer of the yard sale shortly. I just need to finalize some information from our chapter leaders. I also need to get the flyer finished so we can distribute the flyer to other chapters. We are a heading to Eden to a chapter meeting tonight. Hopefully, we will have a great turn out at the yard sale. The family really needs our help.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Brisk Morning Ride Today
It was nice to get to ride Big Red today. I have been gone for a while and haven’t got to ride too much. I was looking forward to riding to work today. It is too bad that I will have to put Big Red back up for a couple of days due to rain coming back into the forecast. Oh well, what can you do, right.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Wings Over the Smokies Group Photo

Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Friday, October 06, 2006
Victory Junction Gang Fundraiser
With at said, we are offering tickets to raise money for children and in return you could win some cash too. There will be 2 drawings. One drawing is for $250.00 and 2 drawing for $25.00. Each ticket is only $5.00 for a chance at winning the cash. But most of all, you are helping a child.
I do have ticket available. You don't have to be present to win and the drawing will be held December 7th. If you would like to buy and ticket and can't see me, just send me your money and I will mail you your ticket(s). So if you want a chance to win some cash and help a child, let me know. I expect the tickets to go fast.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Still Practicing Stopping
Each morning that do ride Big Red I try to get in a few extra minutes of practice on stopping. I am getting better, but it is taking me some time to break some bad habits. Of course I will need to break those habits because I could drop the bike, hit another vehicle or even worse, throw Slick off the bike. Now that would be bad.
I am sure everything will come around in time. Hey, I have only been on Big Red 3 months. Practice, practice, practice.
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Sunday, October 01, 2006
Taking the Shadow for a Little Spin!
Until next time and enjoy the ride!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Items for Sale
1987 Honda Shadow 700cc
Great running first bike for someone. The bike has less than 17,000 miles, new tune up, new oil and filter change, new battery, new owners/repair manual and new bike cover. Only $2100.00.
New Bell Helmet
Size XL. Never worn. Originally sells for $159.95. Now only $90.00.
Kuryakyn Foot Boards
With heel and toe shifter for GL1800 Goldwing. Like new for only $295.00.
GL1800 Windshield
Windshield has hole for vent. Used, $50.00.
Buyer must pick up or be willing to pay for shipping costs for each item. Photos are available upon request. Call 336-454-5936 or 336-686-4514 for more information.
Until next time and happy riding!
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Watch Those Slick Spots in the Dark
For all your motorcycle riders (new and veterans) be careful out there. Motorcycles don’t care too much for gravel, sand and oil.
Until next time and happy riding!
Monday, September 25, 2006
2006 Wings over the Smokies Trip
So we got suited up, wiped down the bike and headed toward Fletcher. Not long after we started the rain started to end and it actually got a little warmer. We got to Fletcher around noon and looked for our hotel. We checked in and then headed toward the rally to register and find our other Goldwing chapter members.
After we registered we hooked up with Craig, Melinda, Bryan, Donna, Johnny and Anthony. I was told when I first got with our chapter to watch out for my buddy Craig. I was told he would have me buying all kinds of stuff at the rally. And he did. We got there and he took us out shopping for goodies. To be honest, I had planned to buy only some shark fins and a name plate at the rally. But that didn’t happen. Before I knew it, I had a new chrome luggage rack (with bag), new pegs and break peg, shirts, pins and other things I had not planned to buy. But I have to admit, thanks to Craig, I did get some great deals. The man knew so many people at the rally, it was scary. Below is a photo of Craig, Bryan and me. My son calls us the 3 Stooges!
Friday night was really interesting and real adventure. Most of the members of our group did not want to ride our bikes back to the rally from our hotel. So we all decided to take Bryan and Donna’s van back to the rally site from the hotel. We all wanted to go back and listen to the live entertainment (The Embers). The memorable part of the van ride was that we crammed 10 people inside the mini-van. Now that was tricky and painful. We had so many people in the van that it looked like we were a bunch of illegal’s trying to cross the border and we were afraid the border patrol would spot us. I was just thankful we didn’t have a crash because some of us would not have survived the crash. At least if we did have a crash, I would probably have not felt any pain because I was numb from the waist down. Did I mention we had to ride back to the hotel too?
As for the Embers, if you get a chance to see them, I recommend you do. They were great and from Raleigh NC. We all had a great time Friday. Below are some pictures of the bikes we saw:
Saturday morning came and Slick and I headed out for breakfast at our favorite breakfast joint, Denny’s. We love those waffles! We filled up Big Red and headed back to the rally to do some more shopping. We bought more stuff. At 9 am, we worked (if that is what you want to call it) at the games table until 10 am. After a hard hour at work, Slick and I went for a walk and started looking at the bikes that would be entering the bike show. There were some really nice bikes there. Then after we left the bike contest parking lot we started walking around and looked at the other displays. It was amazing to us to see what people can do with motorcycles. There was everything you could imagine there at the rally for motorcycles and the deals were pretty nice too.
Around 2:30 pm, Slick and I headed back to the hotel so we could get ready for the night events and the closing ceremony. Saturday was also the day there was going to be some large drawings for money given away. Two of the drawings, Slick and I entered. One of the drawings was at 3 pm. Of course we didn’t win anything for that drawing, but we did at the later big drawing. What happened was that 11 members of our chapter put in $10.00 a piece to win the large 50/50 drawing. Well, we won it. They actually drew Slicks number and we won $1068.00. That was close to $100.00 a piece. We contributed the win to that goofy chicken Ro Ho. It wins all the time. Now all the members of our group are scrambling to get Ro Ho back so they can win. Now that is pretty funny. After the drawing and closing ceremony we headed back to the hotel for a pizza party and some fellowship. It was fun.
On Sunday we all prepared for our trip back. We were a little concerned about rain due to some powerful storms that were coming through the area. It rained like crazy Saturday night and all the bikes got wet. Luckily, I took the time to cover my bike up and my bike was not soaked. After getting packed we all discussed the routes back we were going to take back home. Our 4 person group just took and a straight shot back on interstate 40 and highway 64. Get this, we had no rain. Now that was luck and the ride was a great one.
All in the entire trip was great. We had a great time and a lot of laughs. We are looking forward to next year.
Until next time and happy riding!
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Great Trip Today!
Until next time and happy riding!
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Kurayakn Footboards for Sale

If anyone is needing or every wanted to own some great footboards with a heel and toe shifter here is a great deal on one. I am selling my Küryakyn footboards. The footboards normally sell for $350.00. I will take $300.00 for them. Just let me know if you or anyone is interested. I expect them to go fast.
Until next time and happy riding!
Ro Ho Photo

I figured that everyone would like to see good old Ro Ho. It is the luckiest rubber chicken you can have. Ro Ho was responsible for us winning $51.00 during the 50/50 ticket drawing at our monthly chapter meeting. That is one ugly but one really lucky bird. The above picture is good old Ro Ho with Slick (it's proud new owner).
Until next time and happy riding!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Cripple Creek Mystery Ride
It was my first ride at night on a long trip. I was not too thrilled about traveling at night. To me there are way too many distractions to really enjoy the ride. I would much rather ride during the day. Of course, I will have to travel at night, but I plan to keep that to a minimum.
Until next time and happy riding!
Friday, September 08, 2006
NC Chapter G Group Photo

Until next time and happy riding!
Slick Got Ro-Ho!
Tonight Craig and I are going to put on my new windshield, chrome light trimmings and handle bar risers. Then we are going to have a mystery dinner ride with Craig and his wife and meet others for the ride in High Point. Right now, we have no idea how many people will show up for the ride or where we will be going. It should be fun though.
Until next time and happy riding!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Shadow, Trips and Future Goodies
Tonight Slick and I plan on going to our monthly Goldwing chapter meeting in Archdale NC. It should be fun. We will be discussing the upcoming Wings over the Smokies trip. Also, Craig and I are going to get together Friday night to put on my saddle bags and trunk lighting chrome trimmings on Big Red. We will also be replacing the windshield too. It will be nice to have a larger windshield. We are also planning on putting together an adjustment piece for the handle bars. Craig said it would reposition the bars so they would be 1.5” higher and 1.5” back. I got on his bike and it seemed like the adjustment would be more comfortable. So, of course I have to get the stuff.
The only thing I really have left to buy for Big Red is my chrome crawl, chrome wheel cover, chrome trunk rack, saddle bag and trunk lights (chrome, of course), and chrome air vents. Oh yeah, I need a new travel bag for our extended trips since Slick and I will probably not get a trailer anytime soon. I figure I can get all that stuff by this time next year.
Until next time and happy riding!
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Shadow and Big Red Updates
The Shadow is now ready for sale. I have already placed some ads in the local classifieds and I will be positioning it in various locations to see if anyone is intested. I figure it will go fast because it is an excellent first bike for anyone. I know it helped me to learn to ride.
Speaking of riding, I got to ride Big Red to work today. It was the first time I have ridden it in about a week due to all the rain in the area. Tomorrow Slick and I plan to ride Big Red to our chapter meeting in Archdale. We are going to ride this weekend since I have to head out of town for a week. I hate that!
Friday, I plan to go to Asheboro to pick up my windshield (it finally came in) and my chrome for my saddle bag and trunk lights. Those will be cool to have to put on before our ride to Ashville in 2 weeks for the "Wings Over the Smokies" event. Craig said it will be a huge event and Slick and I are looking forward to that. We are also looking forward the our chapter's beach trip in October.
Life is good!
Until next time and happy riding!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Honda Shadow for Sale!
- 1987 Honda Shadow 700cc
- Recently tuned up, oil and filter change
- Under 17,000 miles
- New battery
- Free Shadow manual (new)
- Free Shadow bike cover (new)
- Only deficit are torn seats
Asking price: $2300.00
This bike is a great bike. It is not too big or too small. Most of all, it is great to ride. We will miss it.
Until next time and happy riding!
Sunday, August 27, 2006
This Weekend Rides
Today Slick and I did our Denny's breakfast tour and then headed off to Eden NC. It is up highway 220 North. She had been there about a week earlier and said it was a nice ride. It was. We went through Eden and then continued on up to VA and then back down highway 220 South. It was about a 130 mile trip. We wanted to get some riding in before it got hot. So we rode until 1130. We also got an opportunity to try our our new intercom system and headsets for the first time. They worked great! They made talking to one another a lot nicer and safer.
All in all, it was some nice riding. Soon we will be heading to the Smokies in September for the "Wings Over the Smokies" rally. We are really looking forward to that weekend trip and the October weekend beach trip with our Goldwing Chapter.
Until next time and happy riding!
Monday, August 21, 2006
Great Ride and Productive Day
We did take some country roads and it was great. The only problem was that this was the first time Slick and I rode with a group and we saw the need for a CB and headsets. We were in the middle position and had no idea what Craig and Andrew were talking about or planning to do. So I had to really concentrate on what the leader, Craig was doing. That was kind of a pain.
We had breafast and headed back home. Craig is not one to take the same roads back (which was fine for me) and so we had no idea where he was taking us. We stopped shortly after getting started and he asked if we would like to ride down to a relative of Melinda's in Stanford. We thought, hey, why not. After visiting, we headed back to the house. Craig decided to stop for food, so we stopped at a nice seafood place and had a great meal. While eating, Craig asked me when I would like to get my CB and headsets installed. I said anytime. He said, let's do it today when we get back. I thought, why not.
We head back to the house and I took Slick home. I got all my goodies that I wanted installed and headed back to Craig's house. Now it is around 4 pm. Craig installed my CB, headsets, rear speakers and I put all the chrome on. I finally got home around 8 pm. All of us that rode yesterday were gave out. It was a really hot, busy, productive and fun day.
Until next time and happy riding!
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Our Chapter Open House
There were some great bikes at the open house. I took a few photos of just some of the nice bikes. There was also some great trikes there too. Slick actually took a ride on a trike and loved it. I could tell she liked them. She couldn't take her eyes off the trikes. She rode with one of our chapter members, Johnny. He is also called "Cool Hand Luke". He is a great guy and treated her like a true guest. Like I said, she loved the trike. Maybe when I get too old I will convert Big Red into a trike. But I am not at that point yet.
Below are some of the photos from the open house. We will be having another one next year. It will be bigger than this year. It should be a lot of fun.

Tomorrow we will be riding with 2 couples from our chapter group to breakfast in Burlington NC. We plan to take some nice country roads to eat. It should be fun time.
Until next time and happy riding!
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Asheboro NC Trip and Hitting 1K on Big Red
Sunday, Slick and I plan to go to Hanging Rock State Park. It should be a good ride if we don't get rained on. We plan to get up early before the rain comes and do our little routine to going to Denny's for breakfast and then try to get the ride in before the rain comes. There is a 60% chance of rain that day. We should be able to get the ride in.
By the way, today I hit over 1000 miles on Big Red. That is a big deal for me.
Until next time and happy riding!
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Open House Prep
Until next time, happy riding!
Monday, August 14, 2006
Funny Stuff
This is an actual job application that a 75 year old senior citizen submitted to Wal-Mart in Arkansas. They hired him because he was so funny.
NAME: George Martin
SEX: Not lately, but I am looking for the right woman (or at least one that will cooperate)
DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available. If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.
DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package. If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.
LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.
PREVIOUS SALARY: A lot less than I'm worth.
MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and post-it notes.
PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday.
DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS? Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment.
MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER? If I had one, would I be here?
DO YOU HAVE A CAR? I think the more appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?"
HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION? I may already be a winner of the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, so they tell me.
DO YOU SMOKE?: On the job - no! On my breaks - yes!
WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS? Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb sexy blonde supermodel who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.
SIGN HERE: Sagittarius
Old people rock!
Until next time, happy riding!
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Goldwing Shopper!
That is just a start of what I want to get. Of course, it is a good start. So in a away, you can say I am a shopper. But like I told Slick, I will keep my shopping to the Internet. It is like Christmas when the packages arrive that way. Oh yeah, I still hate malls.
Until next time and happy riding!
New Blogger and Friend
Until next time and happy riding!
Monday, August 07, 2006
Big Red and Shadow Updates
As for Big Red. I had a little problem with it Friday. My saddle bag got stuck before I left for home Friday after work. Take a guess which saddle bag had my helmet in it. Well, Slick bought me another helmet. Luckily I have 3. I called Craig and he explained to me how to get into the saddle bag by releasing a plug in the trunk. It worked like a charm. Then Craig dropped by the same day and fixed the saddle bag release arm that came loose. Craig is my hero and really knows his stuff. Luckily he like teaching others about the Goldwings. He will have his work cut out when it comes to helping me. He said call him if I had a problem. I have already taken him up on that offer 3 times.
Also this weekend, I talked to Craig about the items I wanted to buy for Big Red. I will be buying a new tall windshield, driving lights, headsets for Slick and I, rear speakers and a CB. I hope to have that stuff in a couple of weeks and have everything installed by the end of the month.
Well, that is about it for now.
Until next time and happy riding!
Friday, August 04, 2006
Second GWRRA Chapter Meeting
As I said, the meeting was fun. There are a lot of nice friendly people at the chapter meetings. Craig (our chapter educator) loaned me a couple of videos to watch on motorcycle riding. One was on Co-riding. It was a good tape. However, the other tape was all jacked up. It was supposed to be on touring and braking. Well, it turned out to be a very old tape on motorcycle trailors and hutches. Of course, I will have to let Craig know about that tape. Luckily it was not a tape of something a little more sensitive, if you know what I mean.
Anyway, back to the meeting. We ate dinner and Vickie and Andrew (chapter leaders) made some announcements on upcoming events. They also talked about Andrew's fail about 4 weeks ago. He broke his collarbone during a freaky accident. His bike was damaged and the group that was with him kind of ran into situation of what to do with the bike and Andrew. They called a new couple in our group for help. This great couple got the call around 10 pm from Craig for assistance. They went to Craigs home to get his trailor and drove about 6 hours (arriving at 5 am) to pick up Andrew and the bike. Then they headed back a couple hours later. Now is that awesome or what? That is an example of the great members we have in our chapter and why Slick and I are excited about being part of High Point Chapter-G.
Also during the chapter meeting a lady from another chapter talked about some great motorcycle glove designed for motorcycle riders. The gloves were developed by a orthopedic surgeon and displayed during the Wing Ding in Nashville. I bought a pair and they are awesome. To find out more about the "Qwi" gloves just go to the Qwi website.
Well there was more stuff that happened during the chapter meeting, but I need to stop this entry. I feel like I am writing a novel.
Until next time and happy riding!
Monday, July 31, 2006
GWRRA Chapter Events
Below is a list of events coming up for our GWRRA chapter. Slick and I are really looking forward to the Wings Over the Smokies event and several of the other trips if our schedules work out.
Aug 12th Mountain Ride
Aug 15th Bill's pizza
Aug 19th Open House (Cycle Shop)
Aug 26th NCB2 Care Bear Ride (Fundraiser)
Sept 9th Tour de Tanglewood (Fundraiser)
Sept 21st Wings Over Smokies
Oct 7th Victory Junction ride/fun raiser (Charity Event)
Oct 15th Meadows of Dan (pancakes)
Oct 28th /29th Holden Beach
It should be fun.
Until next time and happy riding!
Too Hot to Ride Today
Until next time and happy riding!
Sunday, July 30, 2006
Great Ride to Lenoir Today
The weather wasn't too bad today. But when we headed back home around 4 pm it was a little humid. Slick and I are really looking forward to riding in Septemeber and October. Now that will be good riding weather. All in all, the day was nice and are great way to spend the day.
Until next time and happy riding!
Yesterday's Trip
Today we are heading on a 250 mile round trip to Lenoir NC to visit our parents for lunch. We plan to take I-40 to Statesville and then hit the back road of 64. That will take us into Lenoir. We will also be heading over to Hudson NC. The trip should be a fun one. The weather is supposed to be great. The high will be around 84. It sounds like a nice day to ride.
Until next time and happy riding!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
This Weekend Planned Rides
Until next time and happy riding!
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Slick Rode with Me Today!
Until next time and happy riding!
Friday, July 21, 2006
NC and VA Trip

There was one thing I didn't plan for. Since I was riding solo I knew I needed to call Slick to let her know I was okay. If anyone is heading that way, there is no cellular phone coverage. I wasn't able to call Slick until I was heading back and got to Madison NC off of highway 311.
On the trip I actually saw a small black bear crossing the road. I kind of expect deer, but not black bears. The roads were nice in the country and there was very little traffic. The weather was nice and I wasn't that hot until I had to stop for water. Then I felt the heat. The total ride was a little under 200 miles and it took me about 4 1/2 hours. It was a nice ride. I just wished Slick could have had an opportunity to enjoy it with me. I kind a like her!
Until next time and happy riding!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Next Mini Trip
Until next time and happy riding!
Our New Logo

Until next time and happy riding!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Tail of the Dragon
Actually I just want to say I rode it. To check it out go to:
I may try to go to the Tail of the Dragon in the Fall.
Until next time and happy riding!
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Good Morning Ride to Work
As for me, nothing wakes a guy up more than riding a Gold Wing and jamming to some good tunes.
Until next time and happy riding!
Lessons Learned...So Far
So what have I learn so far? Here are some of what I have learned while riding Big Red.
Speed is My Friend: I started realizing that motorcycles need speed to stay up. Handling a bike weighing over 800 lbs is a bit scary and you need speed to keep it up. I had to realize I needed to learn to adjust me speed on turns more than anything. Going down a road at 60 MPH is easy. Turning a tight turn at 5 MPH is another story. Speed is everything on a motorcycle.
Big Red is Well Balanced: I realize more and more each day that Big Red is a very well balanced bike and it takes little effort to keep it up and steady. For example, I can maintain a speed of 2 MPH and still keep it up at a light. To me that is amazing that it is bike is built that well.
Practing Your Turns: Turning is a skill that needs to practiced more than anything. I can lean the bike pretty well on turns. Actually, it is pretty natural for me to lean the bike. Taking sharp turns at a complete stop is a skill that needs to be practiced all the time. The thing is I get better at turns the more I practice on the highway. I can't afford to mess up there.
Learning to Stop: Big Red is a big bike. One of the first things that was killing me was stopping that bad boy. That took some practice. Now it is getting a lot easier. I still have to be prepared to catch the bike if I stop too quick or I am not concentrating on the stop.
Don't Be Afraid of the Big Bike: Getting on Big Red for the first few times was pretty scary for me. I actually dreaded it. One thing that kept me motivated was that I had a 19K bike sitting in my garage and I was determine to ride it. Plus, Slick and I planned to take some trips this Fall. I was not going to let the bike kick my butt. But I have to admit, it did intimidate me a lot at first. Now I look forward to riding it each day.
Practice with a Smaller Bike: One of the best things I did was get a smaller bike to practice with. The Shadow was perfect for that. I would not be on Big Red now if it wasn't for being able to practice with the Shadow.
Taking the Motorcycle Course: It was one of the best investments I ever made. I learned a lot from the course. It showed me what to practice, safety and gave me a lot of practice. Being a new rider, it was vital to me getting on the bikes as fast as I did. Plus, it saves me about 10% on my insurance.
Take the Parking Lot Practice Slow: I used a timeline to practice riding the Shadow. I didn't venture on the roads for about a month. After that, I decided I was ready for the road, traffic and all the little suprises of riding on the highway. The parking lot practice was great and I will continue to use it to practice and refine my skills and practice new ones.
Learn About Your Bike: I did a lot of research on Big Red. I knew what type of bike I wanted and I wanted something comfortable and dependable. I almost got a Royal Star Venture and after just setting on one, I realized it wasn't for me. After setting on the Gold Wing, I was hooked. It just felt right and I knew it was one of the best bikes ever made.
Know Your Gears: If you want to really get a good suprise, have a Gold Wing in the wrong gear when you take off. You will get a great suprise. I realized that when I took Big Red out of my driveway for the first time. It doesn't like 1st gear. I realized that 1st gear on Big Red is a granny gear. As with most grannies, it was slow and wanted to hold back. I realized that I need to be in the proper gear or I was going to know I wasn't real soon (in some cases, I did). Believe me, if you in the wrong gear on a Gold Wing, you will know it.
Those are just a few things I have learned so far. I am sure there will be more.
Until next time and happy riding!